SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Also we know NK is Ifrit.
And I am mayor.

I assume the same offensive person messed up squid’s rezz

Or maybe you can’t rezz a defiled person

@MaximusPrime can you rez a defiled person? As well, is it a possibility of a warlock?

Firekitten, how were you proven to not be converted the first two nights?

simple. The mm was jailed N2 and was redirected N1

Shurian logs said how he swapped Alice and math blade N1. I understand shurian said he swapped Marcus but why isn’t that in the logs?

Did they make a mistake? Cause I know for a fact that they actually swapped Marcus with Alice.


1.I saw them do it
2.They admited to it

No firekitten is the NK well played

/vote firekitten

I saw Boss as neutral, I can’t be scum.

Are you daft.

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As far as I can tell, NK can’t track.

Because shurian swapped math and Alice. Swapped as in tornadoes but firekitten saw shurian to go to Marcus so firekitten is lock scum imo

The annoying part about sam is how many times you got to redirect them to actually the scum cause they didn’t read the thread.

Sam the confirmed scum is in Baz marl and Celeste

Except they didn’t and shurian said they swapped Marcus with Alice

Sam read the thread