SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Firekitten is mad Town motivated as Town. Now there is mad pauses in fire speaking I reasonably assume they are in a scum chat

Counterpoint: In the game that did not exist Fire was not mad.

You are welcome my dude, come one come all kill yourself at the mall

Angleshooty as fuck, I’d tell you the reason why they’re pausing but that’s also angleshooty I think.

Ah! It seems like the daring kitten has returned with the requested items, or has he appeared back in our court with false promises?!

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Proper British dialect with your speech



Day 2 ends in 72 hours or when an execution occurs.

We aren’t at trial bird brain

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Ah! I believe good fellow for that cry is for a different court!

So you hard claim Town killing?

I eagerly await thine answer, daring kitten.

Thine, is mad old english

Math this is Celeste and listening to her logic of what I might be is stupid as Celeste never tells the truth. As well due to D1 I am town reading hjask even due to how childish D1 as with the trolling because as town they usually meme a lot.

amazon forgot to deliver these items.

are you trying to white knight me :thinking:

or is it called doing something that requires my attention.

Ah, it seems good fellow that ye must be of the times of new. I forsake those eras with long forsaken rancor!

(I asked you for one thing Fk, do it or get jailed)

(you get it later, don’t worry i’ll add a cherry ontop)


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