SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I asked ashe so

Luxy did

More importantly how is hjasik tailor

good, smart man
but yeah like i said
it shouldn’t be a problem due to ashe’s priest changes

in the future it shouldn’t be a problem anyway

I blame nerbins.

Ashe changed it cause of this game xD


Why was it possible to lose a charge like that in the first place?

  • Blame nerbins
  • Blame anyone else

0 voters

I don’t know, he just rolled Tailor

Firekitten should be blacklisted for night posting.

I guess I’ll call this a cleric + lab assistant win


he claimed warlock tho

because occupying a priest in my eyes was a viable strategy

I thought I won this game and y’all lied to me by saying I can redirect king :thinking:[quote=“Luxy, post:6516, topic:72706, full:true”]
Firekitten should be blacklisted for night posting.

I guess I’ll call this a cleric + lab assistant win

he’s a galaxy brained genius

Did maximus start the day? No.

You willingly night posted


(I have nothing better to contribute)

I mean STILL, you can’t blame me when I thought I won if anything we blame nerbins

Genuinely pissed tbh

I did say that I was going to ask Luxy…

Oof rip fk lmao