SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I was in assembly too, so fk couldve waited

Same tho

They literally said it before and that would be changing the rules

you could have said it

in your rolecard


I said that redirect and occupy abilities are not allowed to target king and that was not a mid game change

That’s your own god damn fault

Except luxy said they did

@Marluxion how to get a blacklist?

No plz mercy

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probably not going to blacklist firekitten though since it’s an honest mistake
this is why non mods need the ability to lock their own threads :^)

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I thought I won :frowning:

tbf Math did make it clear in his post in dead chat that he’d like more clarity in the Class Cards.

“we” don’t
you can choose to blacklist whomever you like in your own games

i wont be pushing for fk to get blacklisted in any other games though since it was an honest mistake

Yeah tbh IT NEVER SAID I couldnt TARGET KING with the whisper thing

Ok I guess alch can bomb king and cw can swap king now everyone

NK does not equal alch

The fuck is that logic?

It doesn’t fucking matter

So what if you’re a nk

Ok, well im not blacklisting firekitten because I like him but dont do it again @Kirefitten

New update

NK can’t kill at all

But yo

Since this game finna be crumbling

How bout you sign up to this one if any of y’all haven’t already


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