SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!



Marcus who did you target last night?

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I don’t follow. I think Kitten is scum desperately trying to push Marcus for breathing room.

Don’t follow just watch

I don’t know what you are talking about


Don’t play dumb, I’m like 99% positive you know what I’m talking about.

eat wheat

I think I see a pattern here. I just am not sure whether it’s correct or wrong.

@Marcus_Doodalee who did you target last night?

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Spit it out Litten, your riddles are just confusing me and everyone

You first.

No. Just tell us who you visited.

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I visited Mathblade last night.

I can’t wait for this to be a really elaborate SvS


I believe that merits more details.

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Firekitten… your thoughts?

On what basis? FK didn’t need to elaborate further, why does Marcus?

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my thoughts is im getting super excited at something and I’m About to laugh out loud if what I think is happening is happening

Explain why it would require more detail

I have my basis now.

I want Marcus to HARD CLAIM.

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