SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

What logic is that though


I don’t know.

The cap for infection is 4?

Accused Voters Count
Firekitten Sam17z, htm, MathBlade, Marcus, Celeste 5/12
Sam17z bazingaboy 1/12
Marcus Shurian, Bluestorm, Firekitten 3/12

It’s five actually

/Vote Marcus

@Marcus_Doodalee it’s time

Give me that explanation sir

So…FK can’t be the convert target.

What is there to explain?? You’ve given me no hint of what I’m supposed to know!

That’s the point.

Me saying anything makes it worthless

I think Marcus is trying to get himself enough information to build himself an excuse.

I love kafka!

I made my list!
If it’s not in that list I’ll death tunnel onto you like a car parked on my sandwich

I don’t know something, ergo you get voted. Not sure where this is leading Litten

The most dangerous thing right now for him is he doesn’t know what to expect

Marcus this is very important.

No. I need you to hard claim, no matter how badly you want to keep it. It sucks, but I’m triggering red flags here.

@Shurian Would you be willing to state how many people you targeted last night?

You’re 100% certain? You realise this will put a lot of onus on you if you’re wrong?