SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Litten, did you realise you were lucky I had decided to do what I did on a whim… >_<

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I realized that ngl you did very good

petition for fk to claim

  • Should fk claim?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Take notes Infected:

Shurian is a Magician who forced me and Alice to target each other

Not claiming, Marcus claiming was necessary however me claiming change nothing.

Heal me tonight please I claim I need protection thank

so far the votes suggest you should claim. claim or we exe you out.

Sorry but nope.

/vote Marcus die scumbag


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Sam prince should execute him

Uhmmm respectfully I know what I am doing I think.

That’s the spirit Sam!

Explain the logics my dude?

wasting prince execute?

Cause he’s confirmed scymx

Marcus is confirmed scum my dude

He’s confirmed scum it’s not wasting it at all.

Outed scum doesn’t get lynched they get executed so we can get two scum in a single day

My class is indeed Magician. I have also prophesized my death in two days.

Can prince exe N2?