SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I shudder to think that that is a possibility but I believe that you aint the fishin prince

Please common sense >_>

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Maybe I flip fool you wont lose respect since I Confessed now that I am fool right ?

So I take it Hjasik has moved to open wolfing now too?

So if I’m town and I move onto someone and that someone happens to be a scum he will become an open wolfer :thinking:

Someone just stab this fool already. Moving on.

I don’t see any other looksies available for lynchy.

Ok I admit that deleting that message as fool isnt a fair play We Good now?

Patty Pat Pat.

I still vote hjasik unless someone else has a brighter idea. :3

Also btw going off into overwatch land I’ll see you guys in about 3 hours.

Thank you guys

No blaming for deleting messages to get a win as fool I said that I did it on purpose So fair play now right?

You can’t break rules in here.

I already said that I am Sorry for it

Sure ok.

That’s why I hate mornings in work days.

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Holy f guys, calm down on the posts please.
I’m at Uni and by the time I’m done I’m going to have like 1000 posts to look over.

Greetings, my good father. A plague of ideas riot in the streets, and thouse’t would dare challenge thy authority.

Thank you loyal subject. These ideas may provide provenance in our times as long as we can keep them controlled somewhat
If our ideas stray too much then that vile plague might reduce our villager count. We need to bare in mind who this plagued one can be but until we can deal with them, we must rely on our prince and our wits.
We must not let them get away for too many nights lest the castle fall.

When I find out which of my subjects has been infected, I will require the physician to heal them immediately. These executions… No, they’re not needed. We shall exile them from the lands instead. Let them live out their days… Maybe some day we will find a cure for them.

/Vote Hjask

Even if he’s a fool, we should have the inactives pardon him, and plus that means trials will come earlier.

As well if he is really Fool and deleted a message I will be disappointed ngl

Hey FK, are you just trying test us when you voted me and some others? I am honestly not concerned about your vote against me.