SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!


My arse, you’re just saying that so we don’t kill you.

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Yes I am saying that So you wont kill me since I am prince And dont want to get exed

Who’d you jail then?

I jailed htm

Can jail you today

@Htm confirm please

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Also if they confirm this and you turn out scum then you’ve basically outed another infected here.

Expect that I am prince

Anyhow if you ARE Prince then what you’re going to do is jail and execute Marcus.

I am already on it

@Htm Stop being so quiet plz

wasn’t hjasik claim fool?

I didnt want to out as prince So I thought claiming fool would stop the wagon

also i would appreciate if you guy don’t visit me tonight

On a scale of 1 to 10
How disappointed am I in you?

Take a guess.

Is this a scum confession?

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i believe that marl has looking for HTM class, mind sharing with us?

You want me to out his claim?