SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

no it’s random post that i put there for no reason, ignore it please

He’s trying out this new high level strategy. Let him be . :sweat_smile:

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it’s depend that other want you to out it or not

Going once goince twice. Sold! /Vote boss

I can give his claim if you want guys


Jailed htm.
Has check on htm. (Marl).


@Htm Guess your lion’s roar here before we decide to open your mouth for you… or something any threat could work here

Everyone mass ping @Htm. He’s the missing piece of the puzzle.


i really want to vote you back :thinking: the thing is i am trying something so ignore that one post, will you?

@Htm confirm My jail Pls

This is a slip if I have seen one.

I dont think we can risk a prince loss here so I’ll happen to give him the benefit of the doubt…

Well… in case hes not prince he can be jailed and exe’d. Someone occupy Marcus and we should be fine.


how is it slip?

So What was the number youre dissapointed in me did I get it right?

Thy am the Prince, I jailed one that is not the lion! Thou hath tried to visit the lion but, it was not of thy, the Prince whom prevented their visits!

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@Margaret you know what kind of plan i have in mind right?

Alas young fellow, I recieve mixed feelings! Repeat that of thy hath said in our accord!

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I really dont like Boss’s tone, but I don’t see anything wrong.

Also Boss, I’ll be visiting you tonight. I plan to do so. Do it, don’t stop.

It was 8.
11 would mean I have burst to the point of capital letters and madness consuming me.

why must you ruin my plan

Because I suck hue hue hue hue

It just means I’m going to drive people to their graves


Its a bad plan already if you said that youre having one