SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Your meme license has been revoked until you learn to use it properly.


Not sure why you’d love a humble man like me. But I shall take that love sir

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you just deleted your post

@Luxy modkill this please

Seriously there were multiple warnings about deleting posts

@Marluxion please restore it

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It was about how he loved me or someone shit I don’t remember the exact words

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Just click the orange pencil.

This being @Wazza not myself obviously for Wazza Azza deleted their post not me

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

@Emilia not you too?

Seriously people stop it

Oh I see what you did there :smirk:


That was just a copy-paste. There’s no edit button next to it.

@Emilia oh you faked the text. sigh


Still, you can’t meme bro.

(This user has been banned for being to clever and handsome)

@Wazza prep those logs if you’re town dude.

(Have you been involved in an accident in the last three years that wasn’t your fault)

(This post has been taken down for being too heavy on the memes)

There ain’t enough sighing in the world people.

somebody once told me