SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

See y’all tomorrow :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Trials last 24 hours or until execute/pardon is hammered.


Decide fate

/execute plz

How long is left in d2?


We literally caught 2-3 scum d2 guys.

You jailing Insa?

1 Like

Yo Mr. Lynchman can I get an uhhhh /execute please

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: Margaret I thought we were friends

Decision Voters Count
Execute Nerbins, Firekitten, bazingaboy, PokemonKidRyan, PoisonedSquid, Celeste, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke 8/12
Pardon No One 0/12

Begone thy vile being, infiltrator of thy court only to bring death unwillingly, the deaths of courtsmen. Be still and die in vain!

Wait this can’t be PB nvm I’m idiot
Still scum


Wait, stop right now.
@Kirefitten why is Marcus not Infected again? Why did they slip?

He claimed lich. I rest my case.

Claiming Lich doesn’t make them lich.
They can easily be other scum
You’re rushing and I already explained in 2 situations they shouldn’t be lynched

Except the prince jail only holds one scum.

We have two confirmed scum, they both should be dead.

You gonna pardon me?

Fine by me, I come back tonight anyway