SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Then vote me, mislynch me and then follow my instructions which will show which faction I’m from.
If I’m town then it should be followed if I’m scum you can take everything with a pinch of salt

I Lynch confirmed scum. That’s my job and that is town’s job.

Your view of a stupid play isn’t mine and the majority of players.
Proof of that is the current votecount

( Is sam gone yet )

Current vote count has scum voteparking pardon.

Tell me: Is there or is there not a chance that Marcus is fool?

No chance Marcus is fool. There are better fool plays. Hjasik is almost certainly fool and two fools is astronomically low.

I bide in thee, that my father was once a good father and a king known for loyalty. But alas, it seems that thou hath chosen the side of the heathens and shall be promptly executed.

/Decide fate pardon @Luxy
I have Uni and if you guys decide you want to screw up then go ahead.
I’ve set up everything I need to.
I’ve said instructions and if you don’t want to follow them then go ahead and blame yourselves for your loss.
I have 0 motivation to play this game and I’m not letting myself being walked on by someone who believes he experience means he’s perfect at literally everything.
Your ego is bigger than the spam from memesky and that’s shameful

/vote PKR

vote PKR

Vote Insanity

Sam has been summoned

/vote PKR

(You legit just denied fucking mechanical information and pardoned him, like B O I)

This whole maximum likes thing sucks

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(Of course you have no motivation as you just fucking gamethrew if your good king)

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/vote PKR

Hoo boy, you’re actually insane. Good job!

No motivation equals scum, bucko

Marcus is literally obviously Infected and it doesn’t take a blind man to see it.
I force pardoned to stop us executing mastermind or assassin instead of imprisoning it