SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I was brought in by a friend :slight_smile:


Literally how I bought in 5-6 peeps to the NFoL, inc Math

You need to realize pkr does shit like this AS SCUM AS A TACTIC. So take anything coming out of him with a grain of salt

Or in my case, a mine of salt

(Seriously?! Most of em block me and report me)

Uhmmmm someone else referred me to the site :slight_smile: that’s what I mean. A female did :slight_smile:

Guys let’s make a new topic on our plan to get more people to come to this site

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Might be something you’re doing wrong celeste :wink:

(Maybe its my username?)

Agreed let’s focus on the game. I was just trying to bring in some rainbows. I have spare rainbows and sunshine in my car. Take as much as you need.

(It’s a phrase meaning if you need help to talk or feel better I am here much as I have an ego I have a softer side)

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Well, I tried to strike up a conversation with some of em, even if they weren’t interested

Thats how you keep it at the back of their minds yknow one day they might think “huh, he was a really nice guy, I should check it out.”

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The game has now resumed. Lets keep it friendly.


So is Marcus on the stand or not

Sooo are we executing Marcus? Or no?

With that in mind, I’m still voting to execute Marcus.

I think.

Yes if he’s still on the stand
If not, we hang pkr

PKR just tried to pardon the confirmed lich. I’ll happily exe a king who isn’t one of my holders if I do get pardoned

Marl is right, since I didn’t specify in op

The king has decided to Pardon Marcus_Doodalee.

1 More trial remains today.

/vote PKR

/vote PKR

/vote Insanity