SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I don’t want to lose my royal blood just kill insanity and jail someone that isn’t hjasik

@Luxy can you please include a timer with the next VC?

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
PokemonKidRyan Marcus_Doodalee, Marluxion, Celeste, Nerbins, PoisonedSquid, Bluestorm, Firekitten 7/12

45 Hours and 19 Minutes Remain

Once again
He does this as a tactic to gain pity as scum
Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile
We punish his misplay
If he’s good, not a huge deal.
If he’s bad, WHICH HE LIKELY IS, we remove A HUGE threat late game.

it felt a bit heartfelt to seem like scum though

And then I trust everyone to run him up without me while I make up my mind calmly. We have almost 2 days

Yeah, it hurt to read.

I’m only executing because the effect isn’t too bad.

I am not saying I won’t vote PKR I am saying if I do it will be with a clear head and conscience and I won’t argue against it either

I just wanna sort my feelings


we have time though

if PKR comes back, it’s amazing, if not, we can still decide

I am thinking that if we have one it’s important to out it so we know we can lynch Marcus tomorrow or not. Mainly the pardon of Marcus I think threw plans into chaos.

I don’t know what the plan is I know I don’t want to follow PKR’s plan though


You liked the post so please tell me the plan that you think is happening?

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/vote PKR

You realize voting PKR is signing your death sentence right


Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
PokemonKidRyan Marcus_Doodalee, Marluxion, Celeste, Nerbins, PoisonedSquid, Bluestorm, Firekitten, Insanity 8/12

Bazinga something is wrong here what is it ?

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There is a lot of negative spiritual energy around here I guess? I need to charge my JO crystal

I really would appreciate if you would say words Celeste instead of just liking posts

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vote Celeste

Whoa okay
Firstly I read up to The upping for marcus then what is this?