SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!


Bazinga :frowning: Don’t joke about this please

(NOOOOOOO baz u always guess scum by d4 :frowning: )

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(Also /s means sarcasm so might wanna put that so its shown u arent serious or else we cri)


I’m just trolling calm down I couldn’t care less about a friendly jab

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/vote insanity

Bend Reality.

@Luxy @MaximusPrime @Pug Insanity have been hammered for trial.

It’s a passive. Are you claiming Warlock?

No, I am not. No one in right mind want Warlock alive as Kingdom player.

And yes, this passive is what Warlock are dangerous to let them live.


Every scum class is dangerous. Do you have reason to believe this one is in the game?

What do you think, no kingdom class with occupation immunity is safe.

As I said that is a passive. It’s definitely something to worry about if there is ever proof of it existing

We can’t go trying to foolproof everything otherwise we would do nothing.

If it exists it’s a problem I cannot control today so why worry about it

So scum occupying the prince when one of their own get imprisoned? BAAAAD

Depends how many non-killing neutrals have spawned I would be surprised there is no Warlock.

And should there be a warlock that exists that is the time to deal with it. If the Warlock is an idiot and never hits prince or doesn’t exist then fucks given we should is zero

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Furthermore let’s assume a Warlock exists

All of the neutral slots are almost if not entirely accounted for. If Warlock is indeed one then everyone alive cops as their true alignment except for big bad

Makes our invest checks good

Pretty much any investigative with any common sense would be on the likely prince target in that case soooooo the prince would be the least of scum’s concern