SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Are the losses acceptable?

They went back to scum chat to consult, this game is solved

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10/10 logic

No Marcus just chose a random player and prayed

Like I said, recheck just in case tonight

He said he is infected and will die tonight

However does he not die like he’s suppose to then he is confirmed Ifrit since that eliminate Mind Flazer out of picture

No. You’re right, Zero used their double kill abil tonight and last night.

There is no way they would know of the swap on Math and Alice, therefore they chose Math to kill last night.

Ifrit is in play. They attacked Alice n1.

Therefore me and fk’s entire play was a fluke that just happened because Marcus so happened to claim visiting Math.

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N2 I actually window peeked boss, and they showed up as neutral. however i have learned that either there are no other neutrals besides boss, or they are anti town and don’t want to claim for some reason. IMO Boss will die anyway from being anti infected so if prince wants to jail him it’s fine however I don’t think it’s needed.

Players if they ever claim neutral will be a scum claim

I’m calling it skill

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Is that why Ifrit choose to attack Math? Could be bluffing

Because it’s bad news if he hits convert.

IMO if ifit did attack him they would strongman him by preventing all visits.

Fortuately and bad, Math is not convert.

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So consider this, there is no way PKR knew Marcus is PB since he thought he is Lich

I friggin knew you were obs

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Honestly claiming LICH as PB is a pretty bad play, as you need converts and they may just keep you alive and jail

I knew you knew as soon as you said followed in one of your sentences

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And that is good precaution to let the prince handle the execution to see if he flips Lich and keep him jailed forever.

Change of plans it is.

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Also why isn’t PB redirect immune.