SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Whoever was jailed N1 speak up please.

True @livicus, and @Kirefitten I am very tempted to jail you for executing a hard prince claim. When the prince claims and sort it out themselves

Tell me your top scum btw

Have you actually read the thread? Literally answer the question so we can POE more.

but still it would be very helpful for us to know who you jailed N1

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I understand that. But I think saving my N1 jail to myself is more I important

we just want to know the person

not the class

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It isn’t;.

I need to confirm or deny my theory

Don’t talk if you won’t share your top scum read thanks k bye

Sam read the thread and understand why we need it. I think I know who PB is.

Tell me a jail target or things happen

Sam stop being mole and help your team.

There are rules to a Bd victory follow them and we good don’t follow them and I Jail and execute you

Sam I’m literally the proven observer here have you actually read the thread at all.

My top scum depends on who you jailed N1

Infected have a converted person spot my dude so you aren’t confirmed. Werewolf NK is basically a confirmed person so no you are not confirmed in any way shape or form

except I found a Neutral and plus was compatible.

Claims Prince as MM, claims Phys that is on Prince 4ever, lives till end of game.

Sounds about right

You claim prince every game despite your alignment, non celeste people don’t just yolo claim prince

Either way, I know u arent the Prince :thinking: