SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

If you don’t vote him shurian is going to redirect you away from boss thus ending your life.

why would he kill me

Because you aren’t voting up someone we suspect as scum and you are literally hindering us.

there is no reason to suspect he is scum he is just afk like in every other game

We literally do have it, look at frost comment.

Vote or die.

@Shurian you know what to do

can you quote that frost comment

This one and above comments

also hijask this is another reason people don’t actually like playing with you.

You refuse to vote people suspect as scum, you accuse everyone who every accuses you,(cough accusing the proven observer)

Literally we need someone on trial rn

Just search it up.

Also it’s Ifrit after all, not Mind Flayer but even Ifrit can still blend in to Boss110 which we want to force mislynch bunch of people trying to get NK lynched day after day, don’t give htm a chance

Lets count the votes, I must be right

Massive problem if it’s that NK. Mass death is going to happen tonight if no one can visit boss:

Meaning we actually need that NK out RN

only what I see is frost saying that HTM is NK and HTM not saying anything cuz he is afk

Not really, Hjasik.

You are not reading his posts so I suggest you do that

well you said that NK is mind flayer/ifrit but you said no reason to why you think HTM is NK

hjiask tell us why he isn’t

tell me why any of 16 other player arent

Yet I have reason to not have Insanity alive instead of PKR since he’s confirmed anti-town and I lead that wagon since that confirms Livicus