SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Stop deflecting me you idiot

Firekitten we need those mass pings

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Sam just tell them a person trust me

I am 100% sure they are hunter trust me on this. I will take arrow if you don’t believe m

@PoisonedSquid you are on ping duty

I know.

You are gamethrowing.

Mad correct response stop deflecting my dude

Yes you did vote me first so I hope it doesn’t come to that.

I am 100% sure frost is t hunter. There isn’t a doubt in my mind

@Kirefitten go on ping duty

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cracks knuckles I’m on it

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Insane theory, frost is patient zero and attacked htm and htm was immune.


Oh but is the other hunter claim suppose to bleed me? I did mention that I am not informed that I am bleeding right now.

So, please tell me - could he be the patient zero?

Nah he’s probably not.

Prince jail htm IMO

You are Lying my dude. Are you saying you don’t trust your prince’s judgement? I am 100% sure he is hunter

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@Marluxion @bazingaboy @Boss110 @overthebin @Margaret @Shurian @Nerbins @Wazza @Livicus Pardon this and CFD to Frost. He’s one of two Hunter claims

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whatever :thinking: