SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

We get two scum this way frost, one from
Your arrow and one from a execute.
Celeste is the hunter.

She’s the third non-killing neutral, there’s no debate about it.

She didn’t even bleed me so there goes her creditability of her claim.

Also side note, do you get told if you are cured from infection?

Why is she neutral? It’s stupid to claim hunter as neutral.

Also no wazza

Youch, I might die tonight.

Fires of Jahannam (Night) - Prevents all visits to the target player and attacks them, erasing their logs if they die. [3 Uses]

I have some info in my logs.

So Math didn’t got logs to begin with?

That make no sense.

If I die tonight, please get Sam to out themselves please, thanks :slight_smile:

They claimed prince

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Sam claimed Prince?


btw what’s ur evidence?

Haha, no. Sam is not Prince.

Why isn’t he prince?

Honestly Firekitten, you weren’t actually investigating into htm and I knew from my intuition that I am right

Prince doesn’t have 3 abilities.

Wait what?

Outing as the Actuary. Night 1-Inventory Sam17z-3 Abilities (Infected)