SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

You’re getting jailed for memes

You will get 1 day jail

Im Kang’s Assistant Kang

Waiting on literally only 2 people to confirm, then we can start the night.

Who are these people?

samz and HTM

I already confirmed though:

my mistake it was sam and insanity


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Sorry, I missed it

Only waiting on @Sam17z to confirm now…

lol I literally just writed 2 random names from player list

If it’s only one player let them confirm at night.

Why are you so anxious to start night?

wants to convert strong player ofc

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Because people are basically trolling around right now. Also there’s no reason we should wait for one person to confirm.

Shouldn’t we try to use the day to get info :thinking:

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we already got info that there is a hidden class

if @sam17z does not confirm in the next 5-7 hours, we will be starting the night and be looking for someone to replace him

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Sign me up if Sam doesn’t respond

memesky should replace sam