SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

So you literally haven’t read the actual thread

D1: Bird Celeste-No Visit
N1:Follow Marcus-Alice, visited by shurian.
D2:Kinda forgot
N2:Window Peek boss-neutral
D3:Little Bird Marl-Visited
N3:Follow Livicus-Firekitten
D4:Forgot, tried to do it on trial however he wouldn’t allow it even though it doesn’t affect the day.
N4:Window Peek Sam-Redirected-Neutral

Who did you check last night?

I cured nerbins

except we killed 3

Also wait hold on a sec

Except I’m not scum
I keep getting fucking redirected to someone who doesn’t have Royal blood
My class is actually useless

wait you were redirected tonight?

But shurian didn’t visit Marcus my dude. Your logs are mad sus I don’t know what to think

They literally redirected them n1

No I didn’t act last night

Why even bother

That’s a face palm for you, as well. I found Boss as neutral so I’m confirmed.

Doesn’t mean much though. You could have easily converted boss and found him as unconvertable

Sam read the thread plz

Sam have you actually read the thread

The infected are DEAD

@Luxy update the op

No! If pkr didn’t debt you the infected aren’t dead

Post logs please

Except they did. As well, I was redirected last night so I couldn’t have even caused a second death