SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

wants and is fine with being bled are two different things btw :wink:

Yeah because he can auto heal himself for guessing squid’s class card right

I see your point actually


Trying to think

Bleed me instead…?

And once Marl kills the scum readers who is going to rally the inactives against Marl in a 3v1 or 3 v 2 battle with marl’s slick tongue

We bleed hjiask IMO

I see your point

so dont heal hjasik tonight? K

Heal Nerbins tonight at all costs

I’m following you I better see a gud person

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Kay who to exhume tho since im not dying apparently

Exhume mathblade and see what the NK is please just to confirm that we are not totally wrong like last time


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But remember, it will only show me how he died

Not the class of the killer

Died from insert NK


I just want to make sure yall know, im phys not coroner

Just in case u thought I would get the killers class

@Sam17z who you wolfing?