SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

I know who Shurian targeted :slight_smile:

This is literally great.

I’m calling this a team effort.

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Why do I think I need to check the class card thread?

I am assuming you still think Marcus is scum?

Yep, this was a great day of work ngl.

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Oh I figured it out

vote Marcus

@Kirefitten @Shurian thank you very much, my shenanigans from earlier are now absolved.

You guys haven’t said anything? What the hell is going on?

You are getting lynched. That’s what’s going on

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The best thing is the scum doesn’t know what kind of trap he got himself into.

On what basis?

Oh come on, Marcus. It’s totally obvious.

Basis of mechanical infomation

Also hooray my reads were right for once

There’s also an EXTREMLY funny story

But that can be told later

Any half town with a brain would know what happened.

And of all the things

You really thought MathBlade was healed right? Tryin to buddy up to him lol.

And I thought my actions were shit, but it worked out, for today anyway.

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Shurian you did great

Marcus final words?