SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

First of all
I’m not your buddy, pal
He’s not my buddy either, friend

Also that isn’t logic
“I’m town so dont vote me idiots” isn’t a good reason

If we both had the same exact reads, that probably means something.

Hit me up with some real “Math” as to why you’re good
Make sure to show your work or i’ll fail you

Mmm… I am town.

You mean a benefit of the doubt you weren’t giving him until right before you were voted?

Nice, floppier than my dad’s flip flops

:ok_hand::100: :ok_hand::ok_man::boom:

Was gonna say you’re triggering my red flags, but then I realised Marl as town also triggers the same red flags >_>

stop getting triggered,

Help me please I can’t stop getting triggered

Sorry this is Marl vs MathBlade hour
don’t butt in pls

Butt I like to but

Yup that.

I am an arrogant son of a bitch who just took his I am strong go fuck off world juice.

I know my reality and I give no shits you’re pushing me and I know 100% you’re wrong and won’t reach

You expect everyone to worship the ground you walk on well I don’t. You haven’t given anything why you think I am scum. I know I am never getting lynched. So as far as I am concerned your pleas are that of a desperate man.

I’m not seeing any math here

Marl and Mathblade have entered the server.
everyone have left the server.

Read the thread.

I don’t need it. It’s that obvious.

In FacT ButTing In iS the BeSt thing I’m At

overthebin and Shurian has entered the spectator’s server. Spectating. Hey want some popcorn?

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My original question still stands

Why are you so insistent HTM shouldn’t claim?

Also you’re not going to be able to pull off the TWTBAW Act on me
It doesn’t work

Oooh I think I will make some too. Watching Marl flounder will be entertaining AF.

thanks for sharing. here have some drinks. /watches marl and mathblade