So…I am doing a freaking presentation of China and USA trade war, can someone help ;-;
By the way, the random infected convert slot will be able to fit into the class cap of 3. i.e if there is 3 physicians, there can’t be an infected physician to start the game.
Tell them that nobody wins in a trade war and the citizens lose. Trade wars are like stepping on a guys foot and shooting both feet at once.
Also say that trade deficits are not bad and are expected in service economies. There I gave you the best grade possible
Thanks <3
This sounds wrong.
How so?
Hang out with an adult O_o
Eh, it is a no big deal.
Why is the first thing your mind jumps to child molestation???
Thanks for ruining it for me
What did you mean: “you will be told how many day abilities today,”?
Do this in the class card thread, however, that is a typo and it’s supposed to be how many day abilities were used today.
Sign me up chief!
Give me a social class holy shit
The Sentinel
Kingdom Killer
Destruction (Day) - The next player to use a day ability will be occupied tonight. [2 Uses]
Watchdog (Night) - Set a watchdog at a players’ doorstep. All visitors will be Bled. [Infinite Uses, 1 Night Cooldown]
Alert (Night) - If someone tries to convert you tonight, you will occupy them. [1 Use]
If Marl isn’t watchdogged n1 I’ll be pissed
no starting regent?
- Keep the Bleeding and Infected conditions seperate
- Make it so all classes which say bleeding just infect people like infection classes
0 voters
Oh shit im retarded my bad