SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

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end of the day dude

Yeah service me bb :kissing_heart:


Now we wait for sam to claim if they are prince or not tbh.

There is nothing creepy about male bondage






your typo makes it even more hilarious

@Sam17z you need to claim if you are prince or not

I am prince now be quiet

Who did you jail N1?

Outing my jails provided mafia a hit list you person, I always say outing these things give Mafia hit lists and no one ever learns

I mean you need to prove yourself as prince it’s not a hit list if you don’t give us. claims

It’s easy if I am not prince prince the so called prince jails and exes me. And if I am prince I live till tommorow.

we just wanna know if Celeste was in jail N1

Is it really that hard to say who’s jailed? We need to actually know

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The prince claims will sort each other out. Dw i will Jail the prince fakers and get the true claim if they are claiming to protect me

Answer the question. Sam.