SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Believe it or not, Gamerpoke got converted at night 2.

@Icibalus @Bazingaboy @PoisonedSquid

We shall not vote Gamerpoke today because Alice and MaximusPrime will able to stalemate your votes.


The proposal is simple:

We lynch Alice now and flip as Psycho King, the evidence pinned on her is more than enough that sheā€™s proved to be evil and her evidence on me is nothing but words words and words, she would have better grounding when she was just NK and not king, so becoming as King is her mistake that will be taken to the grave.

To prove that I am not NK, The Prince jails MaximusPrime the alchemist and since he didnā€™t bleed me anyway, he wonā€™t able to heal Gamerpoke the Devout or me Frostwolf103 the Knight but itā€™s better he wonā€™t interfere by trying to kill someone too.

I will coldsteel Gamerpoke tonight so no one will able to protect him for dying, thatā€™s fine he wonā€™t able to activate the terror fragment victory at night, so thatā€™s why I am going for the coldsteel kill.

Aliceā€™s plan is to lynch Gamerpoke and save her face, but doing so the alchemist will live and will bring end of his bargain to help Alice since Maxi healed Alice from the nightshade potion, that pathetic rat. No wonder he isnā€™t dying by me, because itā€™s not worth killing him. Since Psycho king is immune to attacks, I canā€™t able to kill him using Defend so itā€™s better to kill the devout myself.

So by next day when Gamerpoke (Devout) is lynched as Alice (Psycho King) suggested, Two BD (Icibalus and Bazingaboy since Squid will be open for attack) and two neutrals (Alice and Maximusprime) with the power of extra vote will able to win and us the BD lost the game.

By next day when I suggested, Psycho king (Alice) is lynched and Alchemist (MaximusPrime) wonā€™t able to assist the last Devout (Gamerpoke) so I have him in my sight to kill him. It doesnā€™t matter if he manage to kill Squid or not, The game will end in BD victory.

And the alchemist gets his win too, yay

I like the plan cause I can hh you :smile:

The problem is, the current version of your HH wonā€™t occupy me.

Trust me, lets go with your plan

But youā€™re no longer Drunk anyway

Well all right then, vote Alice then.

/Vote alice hmmm

Once the trial is concluded, I challenge you to fight

Bring it on

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@PoisonedSquid @bazingaboy @Icibalus

Vote Alice

I agree with this, since both of you canā€™t be scum, we would have a fun battle to see who the true hero is

Ici canā€™t be scum since Maxi didnā€™t bleed me as I asked. So Ici is legit Hunter

Do you agree of jailing Maxi? I know he have no healing potions left but he is better off not healing me or Gamerpoke, since he healed Alice from Nightshade.

Doesnā€™t the Butlerā€™s poison work in two nights?

Fine, if youā€™re all so paranoid that Iā€™m a Psycho King then Iā€™d suggest we execute Frost today and Squid can jail without executing Poke. I donā€™t necessarily see Frost flipping as anything else other than the NK here and IMO, odds are that Livicus failed both converts as Iā€™m split 50-50 on whether Poke was converted or not, so it should be game today.

/vote Frostwolf103

I misread it. Looks like it was changed.

Squid vote Alice plez

We dont want king and Alch to have majority incase they are PK

Accused Voters Count
Alice Frostwolf103, Gamerpoke 2/4
Frostwolf103 Alice 2/4
MaximusPrime Bazingaboy 1/4

/vote Alice