SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

i hard claim prince

Sign me up daddy

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I for one welcome our new Mind Flayer overlords /spectate

Made in Abyss

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@Sam17z Iā€™m putting you in backups since you joined after we filled

rolling when

Rolling as soon as I send some new FOL changes in the changes thread and boot up my PC

The changes that are about to be sent WILL apply to this sfol


ā€œThe tidesā€¦ they speak to meā€¦ā€ The man sits, chained to the wall of the Princeā€™s cell. ā€œWhispers from the deep, calling meā€¦ā€ His dark eyes are sunk, and his clothes are tattered with age. The man canā€™t be more than 30, surely? Someone so young going so mad is an abnormal tragedy.

ā€œSpeak clearly, or the only thing calling to you will be the blade of my Axe.ā€ The gruff voice of the executioner cuts in, followed by a swift kick to the manā€™s side. The man tries to clutch at his side, forgetting his hands are chained to the wall. Still gasping for air after having the wind kicked out of him, he mutters ā€œā€¦They come from beneath the wavesā€¦ā€

The gentle voice of the young Prince cuts in. ā€œWho is coming for us, young Khalo? Speak clearly so we might hope to understand your delirium.ā€ Khaloā€™s eyes dart from the executioner to the prince, and his eyes go wide. ā€œHe comes.ā€ The last signs of sanity leaves Khaloā€™s eyes, and all that can be heard from the dank dungeon are the screams of the madman.

ā€œā€¦You know what to do.ā€ The princeā€™s soft, yet cold voice can barely be heard among the screams as he turns to evacuate from the dungeons. The executioner flashes a wicked smile. The screaming abates and the sickening sound of steel meeting flesh is the last thing Khalo hears.

Day 1 begins and will last 24 hours or until Majority for /Pass Day has been reached.

All Hail King Margaret.





/confirmed prince once again

/confirm as first class ever played


I claim Support.



Alrighty then folks. I hardclaim Haiku Master, give me a Haiku of Protection for free win.

When you are ready to end the day, you may vote /Pass Day. Once majority is reached on this, D1 will end.