SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

@MaximusPrime you’ve done me a great service, i think i can use your behavior this game to convince people to delete alchemist (until we fix it)


I finally did something productive in my life, woo.

Squid is too pure to be converted.

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Unlike her dangan counterparts.


Unlike Dokusei or Uzu

This is not rigged, king must decide to use Decide Fate or not.

That was her downfall for using it instead of not using it.

Why does it say that this game is still running

However I led the wagon.

Totally not stole your credit :thinking:

If I was Psycho, I would rather want Luxy assume the NK is going to attack the obvious or least unexpected.

I’d say middle ground

I had to otherwise Exhume would have outed me.

Ah so.

Still having prince to exe Luxy would have worked too

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And assuming me, Gamerpoke or Insanity is NK or Devout

For that night, I would have attacked Ici out of all people when Luxy got DFE’D

Also, the Abyssians did nothing the entire match but killing the Warlock n1. Discuss.

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There is nothing to discuss

That’s pretty much what happened

Dont hurt My ego even more

It was basically a PK vs. BD for much of the

Won recent ToL cult game, BD King forgot I was 4th Physician claim