SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die


Anybody who
a-presses this button is
confirmed wolf, ok

Well okay not exactly but passing the day at this early juncture. I’m expecting you to use Day 1 productively, may goodness have mercy upon my soul.

Perhaps. But some players are sleeping and should be considered NAI at that point.

What makes you that?

everyone passes, everyone is wolf

sleeping in the middle of a game of werewolf is the ultimate wolftell

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But townies sleep at night…

Ah but that makes you and me Wolf, Ici :thinking::kissing_heart:


Resisting the temptation to type pass day

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

In his house in R’lyeh Cthulhu is sleeping.
And whem he wakes up, he will take the world.


And tbh, I prefer Yog-sothoth over Cthulhu.

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Alrighty bois

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So everyone

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Can we start our scumhunting today or nah

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Shoo shoo, uncannon Star Wars lover!

You’re not liking posts in game you are not playing!

isnt he the co-host

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Eh doesnt matter

What do you think of Ici’s stance of passing a day will mark us as scum?

Well it doesn’t really matter as I CANT READ PEOPLE without using RNG