SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

I mean no one is discussing claims or any of that and we’re just posting memes

Overall play is a more reliable method of scumhunting, tbh.

Macro reads are typically more effective as micro reads often leads to poorly thought-out tunneling and will typically ignore a player’s behavior in favor of a misplay or whatnot.

Just because noobdy has claimed and few serious posts have been made dosen’t mean nothing that indicates allignments exists.

heres a claim

I’m citizen

I go with overall play or at least thats why I try to do

I claim survivor

sigh i’ll wait until d2 to post anything substantial

I forgot that the meta is to post nothing more than a few mechanical posts and some basic analyiss on d1 somehow.


Thankfully it’s been improving since the EFoL changes, though with so many new players on the player list I don’t expect much critical analysis to come from this game.


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This article on MU explains it better, actually. Macro reads typically get the bigger picture, but micro reads do have their situational usage.

What is this school reading pfft who needs reading?

Every new player reminds me of what I used to do. Feels bad


you can stop bullying me now, do the thing you did before you know? Feeling my broken ego

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It was more of an insult at myself then you.


no but seriously Invoker
this is a very difficult game to get the hang of and if you act like this for the whole game you’re going to get executed for it


Like getting jailed at first night on your first FoL?

I have.

Since then, I haven’t been jailed at first night.

don’t worry I’ve got a class so confirmable it’s boring

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