SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Bombing N1 does literally nothing when I only have 1 bomb

Kingmaker situations create much more chaos

Just saying this now, Imma just stay neut in my corner, donā€™t ask me for anything unless you have an extremely good reason

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So Insanityā€™s not the Devout, then.

By the night kills this doesnā€™t look like an Electro game either.

So from the little info Iā€™ve gathered.

Slight Leans

  • Hjasik - Null read in general.
  • Insanity - Support claim, but I donā€™t necessarily believe it. Cannot mechanically be a Devout.
  • Livicus - Seems to be in his VI moment right now.
  • Margaret :crown: - Leaning towards EK, tbh.
  • Alice - Me.
  • Bazingaboy - Null yet again. Since heā€™s acting ballsy I think heā€™s leaning BD.
  • Frostwolf103 - Wanting Maxi to bleed for confirmation does lean BD somewhat to me.

Likely BD

  • Invoker - Via potential mechanical confirmation.
  • Icibalus - Early d1 reads, seems to be the only player pushing


  • MaximusPrime - Alchemist claim.


  • htm
  • WazzaAzza
  • GamerPoke
  • PoisonedSquid


I think itā€™s safe to bleed the inactives, tbh. Would help us go through the PoE faster in this case.

I am indeed BD
great read
thank you

bleed htm

Meh I donā€™t really care tbh

Just note that I donā€™t follow orders like a dog

cough Bazinga cough

You have to respect the neutral, so I do my own thing

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Bleeding them would also confirm you as from the class cards the scum faction here doesnā€™t look like they can bleed, and Iā€™m perfectly fine keeping a confirmed Alchemist around.

Ngl I want to bleed Bazinga cause yolo lol also he tried to tell me who to bleed

hey my dude bleed me please

/Accuse maximus

Neuts out Iā€™m done with your punk ass

I want to feel the stab slowly entering my body like a tiger nibbling on its prey I want to feel it and laugh the pleasure

Why is margaret EK Lean? Any reason or just gut?

afk king :ok_hand:

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who said they had to be underaged :wink:

Bucko, heā€™s a good Neut

Eh, she basically just said this and then went away. This doesnā€™t feel like town!Marg at all.

/Accuse Margaret