SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

So I increase the odds to 50% that Poke might be NK, so coin flip away.

This is objectively untrue, and I think you planned your fake claim poorly


If you want to lynch a proven healer, youā€™re more likely to be scum.

The more healers the merrier.

So anyone would be CCing the claim from Bazingaboy then

Instead. Bazingaboy, do you think Poke is BD or Neutral?

How am I supposed to read someone who doesnā€™t play the game?

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Thatā€™s why I checked them

Yes but I find his excuse for inactive little off and according to my list, he has 25% to roll as NK seeing I got 2 guaranteed random blue dragon slots and mixed slot with the non-killing neutral and NK slot.

Luxy, can you tell us why you suspect Livicus?

He made some scummy posts

Can you link some?

Aside from the one he doesnā€™t have a care who gets killed or lynched and suggests Insanity is scum?

Problem here is that the NK and also potentially the Dreamer, depending if their day ability can also fool faction checks or not, also show up as NS.

Iā€™ve asked Marl if it does, so I should be getting a response once he comes back on.

Luxy, answer me this. If Icibalus is scum, who would they flip as? The Dreamer, the Devout, the NK, or a convert?

Dreamer, if Iā€™m correct, lynching the dreamer early is bad for us, thereby hes gonna try and cause mislynches as a powerwolf, and if it doesnā€™t work he will get lynched and we all get afraid

Itā€™s actually possible that he may be a scorned too, but I think more likely he is dreamer

He did post early in the second day, plus if heā€™s the Dreamer or Devout then itā€™d still be possible to puppet their night actions.

Fair enough

If Livicus is scorned then thereā€™s two spots left as BD and makes Gamerpoke have 33% chance hitting NK but rolling third non-killing neutral is quite slim, 50/50 coin flip to hit BD or Neut.

If Livicus is Dreamer then I donā€™t see try to get Insanity lynched?

Im refering to ici, not livicus

But heā€™s jailed though and two neutrals that are not killer types are known.

Why are you so certain poke is neutral?

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