SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Court wizards can you ice ward me thanks

Why are you mad aggressive? Your stance has changed imo from scum hunting to insulting. I canā€™t tell if you are a fool or just a hotshot town who thinks they are above everyone else

I forgot maybe a lol reaction test

Cause im upset ok?

Personally, I think heā€™s a Fool as Town wouldnā€™t say ā€œLol, Iā€™m not scumā€ every ten minutes

Why are you upset?

Multiple reasons

And those areā€¦

Dont really want to talk about it to random strangers on the internet.

But i really donā€™t want to be mislynched

Told you to jail and execute him earlier.

:eyes: :older_man: :skull:

I trust Luxy for now

Personally, jailing and exe scum is better than jailing and exeing a potential fool

You still think Luxy is scum? Would a fool do something fool like and then have a human justification for it a fool wouldnā€™t justify it. Scum wouldnā€™t attract that much attention to themselves but instead lurk or blow off some steam in the scum chat

I said potential fool, I didnā€™t say my thoughts on him are set in stone, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll change tonight

Maybe Ill deb you, maybe Ill not? :thinking:

You didnā€™t jail and exe a scum though and now they can potentially help NK/abyss win. We canā€™t really afford to mess up now. If weā€™re losing please kill him at the end :slight_smile:

Iā€™m going to jail and exe a scum tonight, no worries

go ahead and try

exeing an alch only makes him lose and actually doesnā€™t help you win cause no evils can be stopped

that only makes you a stupid douchebag for pushing on the easily confirmable alch claim for no reason

so, please, kindly fuck off and leave me alone

Oh look at what I found Bazinga
