SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Poke is not 100% proven tbh, but he’s a townlean to me. And why would I even consider myself the NK when I can read my own class card?

Other than wanting us to keep mislynching everyone if this continue?

So you admit that you’re scum?

It’s called burning through the PoE. You should try it sometime.

It’s still not necessary for the bleed, it’s so retarded.

Hell I will be much happier the game will end before I die from bleeding.

Hell no.

If Bazingaboy says Sam is member of Abyss then he get jailed instead, ez.

Well, if that were the case, it would be a waste to execute him since he will die to bleed tonight

Fairly certain that he is, plus he’s bleeding so Squid wouldn’t need to execute him.

Sam is not the brightest fellow, so.

/vote Luxy

What is Ici again? Me forgot

Hunter, 100% certain he’s not the last devout

Even though I don’t need bleed as proof, it’s still unnecessary for him

Who should I be debbing/HHing then?

Luxy is NS so not abyss. He’s most certainly the physician since Max wouldn’t heal me.

/Accuse insanity

What about htm?

That’s sam