SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

So uhh are we killing alice and jail exeing marcus then?

  • Icibalus had a d3 bleed on me. Hunter.

  • PoisonedSquid - Confirmed prince

  • Insanity - claimed cw

  • Sam17z - Claimed xyz, prince knows claim. Has been given the order to launch a nuclear missle

  • Alice - Claimed drunk now king

  • Bazingaboy - Confirmed therapist

  • GamerPoke - Claimed drunk

  • Frostwolf103 - Claimed knight

  • MaximusPrime - Claimed alchemsit

  • Luxy - Confirmed phys as of N3

Marcus is dead my dude

Oi, me drunk

I meant maximus the alch

Marcus is t even in the game my dude

Pardon the Confirmed phys please


It has to be like a /pardon havenā€™t you learned that by now

Naw, its bolded

@Marluxion pardon Luxy off the stand please

/pardon jussst incase

Luxy has been pardoned. The king has 12 hours to decide if they would like to decide their fate or not. @Alice

Are you kidding me

Thatā€™s how it works if the king isnā€™t on the same vote as everyone else

Normally theyā€™d get 24 hours but thatā€™s too long

we cannot vote during that time Im guessing?


But his claim is just .-.

B-B-But Marl, this kind of system doesnā€™t usually happen