SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

We fuckin loooooost

Alice didnā€™t apologize thatā€™s how I know theyā€™re evil

/vote alice 10/9 find Baz

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Alice 2/4
Alice Bazingaboy, Gamerpoke 2/4

It says PKing is immune at night. Does that count to poison immune?

/unvote never mind then

Maxi, why you heal kang?

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Alice 2/4
Alice Bazingaboy, 1/4

Itā€™s obvious Frost is the Reaper. Take a look at how heā€™s insisting that this is a Reaper game.

Plus, when we got Luxy, Insanity, and Sam down the PoE he started overracting and accusing Poke and me of being the NK.

And that was a sudden shift from when Frost claimed that Luxy was not a Physician.

/vote frost Pk is not immune to poision. Maxi healed Alice

Right now Iā€™m dotting my iā€™s and crossing my tā€™s when it comes to Poke to ensure that heā€™s not the convert.

You must think weā€™re all dumb as shit to expect us to believe you thought maximus healed me

You only did that to get him to heal you last night

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Alice 2/4
Alice Bazingaboy, 1/4
Frostwolf103 Gamerpoke 1/4

My vote stays, goodnight!

Fine, then who do I jail? Gamer or Frost?

We lose either way because you left maximus alive

/accuse maximus

Alright evils how about this?

We canā€™t risk mislynching a BD so letā€™s just kill maximus to remove the 2v2 end game