SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

wolf is a synonym for scum
village is a synonym for town

oh ok thx

thx for updating lol

Kinda agree with Sarun here, I donā€™t particularly see invoker doing this as scum, if anything heā€™s more likely to be neutral.

Iā€™ve read everything listed now I think I am ready to play now its ok if you think I am neut since you know it is a scumread but please consider the fact I am new and may make a few mistakes.

Well, hereā€™s a more detailed explanation of the read. Invoker declaring that our conversation was an argument came out of left-field, that is certain, but what intriuges me about it is this:

See, this post is framed as a jokey meme, even if it pinged me as a little off, but what intruiges me is this post:

This sudden bitter turnaround seems extremely out-of-place for a Level 1 player this early, it feels like a play that would be made later on by a Level 1 villager but seems off right here.

HOWEVER, I accept all of your arguments. Bear in mind that these early reads are very weak and subject to change, theyā€™re simply food for thought for our power roles (IE: everybody)

Maybe it is because of me.

itā€™s not because of you, itā€™s because I prefer werewolf theme and not insulting all the players who happened to rand the wrong colour on their card.

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While itā€™s true but it turns out to be recent trend to call scum as wolf these months

The level of confidence from his comment there doesnā€™t seem villager-y to me, either. Level 1 villagers donā€™t have that reaction and instead will jump to defending themselves or chainsawing when suspicion is casted upon them. See how village!Hjasik reacted in SFoL36 and compare his reaction to being wagoned to wolf!Alfa and wolf!OTB in 6d6 when I accused them.

No dreamers confirmed


Common Sense, Maxi

Also, I think that invokerā€™s turnaround could also be like a town caving in to the pressure rather than scum trying to give up as being a new player is difficult and we are very unleashy onto him

Anyone who wants this day to end immediately is wolf imo

also wut happened

Read? Itā€™s only like 100 posts at the moment


Iā€™m too lazy to read though

but fine I guess I will read

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so what do you think about invoker?

Heā€™s a pretty cool dude

I was asking htm

but I see you have something to say about him too

So I need to become a moderator and threaten people with bans in order to win this game