SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

I have to agree since baz is just being a complete douche rn

remember to check for that extra crimson :wink:

Yeah, if heā€™s lying Iā€™ll out him tomorrow for being rood afā€¦

Yeah Iā€™m sure heā€™ll give an honest opinion after this :wink:

he will, and when you die because he doesnā€™t heal you your class will be revealed and if he lied then we just lynch him he has no reason to lie as his only goal is to survive not to weaken a certain faction, unless playing evil alch which after outing himself I donā€™t think he will be playing.

Why would I lie as alch?

I have no reason to lie

Just because youā€™re an asshole doesnā€™t mean that Iā€™ll compromise my own victory by trying to get you lynvhed

Games are already decided by d4, and Iā€™ve already ensured he will side with evils. We have no choice but to kill him

I like to play as chaotically when I am a non nk neut that doesnā€™t have to win with a specific faction

Acting like youā€™re all of BD xD

Youā€™re not the center of the world cause you claim therapist

Besides, if prince and the rest of BD are nice, then who knows?

I still hope you die tho ngl

if you are therapist who did you check last night?

Heā€™s not gonna tell

People whoā€™ve played with me in ToL can confirm that I am indeed chaotic when I am a neutral(alch, scorned, Merc etc)

No guarantees, but I am obviously going to side with whoeverā€™s been nice

Hey baz, I think you should use embrace vice for the next two nights, if you didnā€™t use it N1 LMAO

inb4 baz is evil and about to kill me bc heā€™s mean


Sup Marl is the spot still open?

Tfw you look like Evil King but you are actually the Evil Queen

Ask FK and Sam in FoL >:D

@Luxy has replaced WazzaAzza

rip everyone is asleep

luxy say something quick
