SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Let’s be honest here, I will be terrified of the idea having Nameless as convert while devout do the dirty work not by killing people for five nights instead of ten, but can also make players afraid a night so the devout can kill the target for them and get 4 fragments each.

And we do not get to know the number how many fragments they have, it’s likely they already started with the first two.

Also let’s discuss with convert vs making people afraid as Dreamer, which will be important first night?

As long as neither the Hunter nor the Priest outs themselves for no reason, we should be safe from a potential Nameless. The odds that either of these classes spawned isn’t guaranteed, and they’re more likely to be night-killed by either the Devout or the NK than to be converted.

The faction cap for the Abyssians is 3, so I’d imagine they’d be going for a n1 conversion here.

That’s true however having to make many people afraid as possible so the NK make the wrong choices to kill and us the wrong choices to lynch to get closer to the terror fragment victory.

Thing is, as long as we keep killing the Devout then it’d be impossible for them to win via terror fragments. Assuming they don’t convert a Mystic, Noble, Priest, or Hunter then it’d take them 10 feared kills to achieve that objective, and from the kills n1 I’d assume this is a Reaper, Possessor, or Demon game so they won’t have much time to fear and then gather the fragments. I don’t see it possible for them to win via fragments unless they absolutely stomp this game.

Dominator can make players afraid whoever they visit and occupies.
Stygian can do that as well with AoE ability like werewolf’s whoever visit his target gets affected for the visitors.
Decadent can manipulate the court and if they got lucky, get six if not eight fragments in one day.
Lurker can find out what the target have visited so far like having to know the logs.
Last but not least, The Nameless can change the king into evil one when everyone is afraid by killing the dreamer, can find out who’s afraid and make them afraid that also get bleed, don’t forget that part who can bleed. But the worse thing is that terror fragment gain is doubled

Even the Abyssians can become afraid so as long we don’t kill the dreamer as well until we got it covered, we’re fine.

With The Nameless, they don’t need more than 5 kills tonight and further to achieve this

After all, Abyssian’s strength is not killing but gaining influence through our actions.

They would technically need a Nameless or a Decadent for this to work. If the starting Devout manages to survive the entire match then they’d need 10 feared deaths to work. The n1 kill puts us at 14 players, so providing they don’t convert any of those four classes I’ve mentioned above then they will only be able to use the instant-win once there are four people alive. In short, by the time they would manage to acquire the shards then we’d be way to close to LyLo for it to matter.

Correct, but they don’t have many methods of collecting fragments outside of killing and converting a Social class.

Still, am I the only one who isn’t liking HTM a bit this match?

He’s lazy, but right now he’s been doing nothing but repeating Icibalus and much of his posts seem to be excuses for why he isn’t reading much. And FK and HTM typically can read each other relatively well, so that may explain the night kill.

Converted Dominator can make afraid by occupying, this also bypass immunity having that status.

@Alice you mean so this cooperation won’t occur?

I mean that they will essentially have to fear players and then kill while also hoping that we lynch feared players during the day. If we lynch or the NK kills a non-feared player, then they will lose the opportunity for shards.

Mhm we’re on same page here, they are outnumbered but can still pull out the victory if we’re not careful.

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Assuming they don’t have a Nameless or Decadent, then they have 12 opportunities to pull this instant win-con from the 14 players alive as they’ll already win if they get to the F2 or F1. So if two other non-feared players die this match, then they simply cannot win by that method unless they convert a Social or Unique class.

Technically, that faction seems to rely a hell lot on snowballing to work. If we correctly lynch frequently then they can’t really use their abilities to their strongest.

It’s kind of why I want I’m especially adamant against NLing today. Since we’ll kill another non-feared played, then this will require them to miss no more than one fear to trigger the wincon.

Kill Icibalus

I think the fear thing is more there as a secondary win condition

At least the therapist can set up alarms on three particularly players if they get afraid any night no matter how many times they become afraid.

We shouldn’t be worrying about it too much, as long as the NK gets consistent kills and we lynch everyday

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