SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

This post really pings me, sounds like something that would come from an abyssian.

He was refering to death fragments or whatever they’re called.

true I guess but that’s a hard scum read


Hard scum read? What do you mean by that?

don’t doubt my logic

Like a good scum read like it was well guessed

This is what I meant.

and it’s also a bit out there

A bit of pressure never hurt anybody

@PoisonedSquid hm k

That claim has been noted, you are safe

Celeste good girl or bad girl?

Vote squid up to see if margaret force exes or pardons and we can find out

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BOI That is risky as fuck and I don’t like it

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That’s a joke

With Bazinga, I can’t tell what he says is a joke or not most of the time

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I wouldnt use decide fate at all, its a waste

V͍̲̤̼̯͘ͅó͔̥̱̦̠̜͔t̯̱̭̤͚͚͢e͕͉̥ͅ ̱C͇̬̰͓̬͙o͙̣͜u̟͙̳ṇ̴̤t̰͇̲͙̱̲

Accused Voters Count
Margaret MaximusPrime, 1/8
MaximusPrime Bazingaboy 1/8
htm Alice 1/8
Icibalus Invoker, 1/8
Livicus Luxy, 1/8

Split votes hmm, I think there may be one scum amongst the accused here.

The remainder of his ISO isn’t any better.


Mind jailing HTM tonight if you don’t have any other targets? I don’t think my vanity wagon on him will ever catch steam but his early posts did struck me as odd.

/vote Livicus

I’m not entirely sure why he came to Invoker’s defense so early since we didn’t even have a trial d1. It’d be far better to progress the gamestate by piling on suspicion and watching reactions rather than giving him a pass because he’s new.

Eh, I’m kind of split when it comes to Livicus being a VI/apathetic townie or scum here, tbh. Reading a Level 2 player as town just because he is confident in their reads is kind of stupid, really. Townreading the dead Warlock is just the icing on the top.