SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

It’s impossible for the Abyssians to have a nameless as they’d have to convert AND fear n1, which can’t happen.

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No matter how you look at, Dreamer decide to convert N1

Therefor, Maxi is confirmed.

I am pretty much against the bleeding nowadays but this will help us reduce PoE this time

Icibalus is close to Neutral than Abyssian, discuss?
(Unless he’s Dreamer)

Assuming he flips scum, he’s likely either the convert or the Devout. As a NK, it’s typically far better to deepwolf instead of powerwolfing as powerwolfing is a high-risk high-reward strategy as there’s a high chance that you’ll end up getting lynched if town begins to suspect you. The same goes for classes that are centerpoints of the scum faction such as the MM for the Unseen or the Dreamer in the Abyssian’s case.

Actually, scratch that. Ici was jailed n1 so he couldn’t have been the convert. Assuming Maxi is telling the truth that he didn’t yolobomb then he can’t be the NK nor the Devout either.

If Ici flips scum, then odds are that it’s nigh-impossible that he’s anything but the Dreamer. But would a Dreamer play so damn aggressive like this being the centerpiece of their faction? I doubt it.


Ici’s likely town by mechanics and reads now that I remembered that he was jailed n1.


I’m cleared to Squid. Don’t tell them why @PoisonedSquid but my claim means i physically cannot be wolf.

Mhm that would be the case then.


o k

Either I make mistake on my role claim list or there’s already fakeclaim

False alarm, it was mistake in my claim list.

At the same time, the claim space is shrinking.

I cleared poke they aren’t bad, Alice might be abyss this game everyone :slight_smile: @PoisonedSquid jail and execute maximus so he doesn’t bomb us

/Accuse Luxy

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I feel like executing the Alch would be a poor risk. If we don’t have a Physician, then we need to have him around to heal

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Yeah don’t kill maximus

That was already a given statement

He has already stated he won’t heal me, and will likely just kill BD tonight.

when’d he say that