SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

What is RP?



I want to pre in hydra game too

By the way, can I point out that Blue Dragon are doomed to extinction?
First they have to deal with some weirdos in purple hoodies then some “Not The Cult btw” joined in.
After some time, the Illuminati raided the Castle and later on they were invaded by another Kindgom.

Not mentioning Plague, Famine or Devilish Carnival.
I just wonder how long it will take to take them down for good.

I hope the habitats of The Darkest Dungeon would bust their asses. :crossed_swords:


some quick name a song

Yuki Yuki :eyes:

fuck no that sounds like some anime shit

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Said a weeb

Ummm, how about Brain Power.

ok thats better

also how am i a weeb kek

You won’t fool me, boy!

explain how i am weeb


why the fuck am I duck

Dunno you tell me.




Disappointed no new neutrals

Rats have died, Oktavia

Dead rats?

Must be the plague.

:wink: listen to it sometimes :wink:

Nah. The only who died to the Plague was Host. /shrug