SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

I think he may be a misguided villager in this case. I wouldn’t think he’d be so insistent on you being scum were he a wolf. Aside from being townread and the only person here aside from me trying to make shit happen, you also had pretty decent mechanical evidence going for your case and I’d assume that a Level 2 wolf would actually gone for a more questionable player to push a mislynch rather than sticking to that senseless tinfoil that you’re a Dreamer, such as how I gave up on MLing Hjasik in SFoL36 after he claimed an easily mechanically proven class.

In short, his conviction does feel kind of villagery. Though, his tone really is shit but that has essentially been his default one as of late, especially as his tone in N&G was also similar to this.

No, debauchery is still the same as the old one in this SFoL.

Bleeds can serve as a means to burn through the PoE better. Plus, the fact that I’ll be convert immune and that Ici will have bears to prevent him from being converted would mean we’d have roughly 4 nonconvertible BD. I’m relatively useful, but not as much as a Hunter.

Can I claim to that?

I mean I don’t see why it’s not Devout and is NK instead

But he’s scum either way, so it doesn’t matter.

N2-Deb Hjasik

So unless somene wants to claim to somehow redirect me or stop my deb, Hj didnt kill Marg as devout

@Alice You mean it’s not updated that you won’t survive?


Now I really think Hja may be the Devout or at least a Reaper. His attitude this game has been off and he’s had shown no town motivation at all. For you to deb him while we have a night kill missing does raise red flags in this case. He was already on my radar last night, but for us to have this information he’s pretty much a guaranteed lynch now.

So I reckon Hja starts with two, night 1 he kills one so he get three souls so if Hja used Icy Touch D2 then at least someone will be occupied at night but now he’s caught so that will be for nothing so I reckon he’s going to use it today.

I think the vote counter clears Livicus and Frost from being Abyss if Hja flips Devout. Insanity’s hesitation and the fact that he only voted right at the end when I remarked it looks horrible and Luxy not voting and keeping up on his pointless Ici deathtunnel raises red flags and Ici’s case may be right.

Should Insanity flips Abyss then the spot is cleared for someone, so this N2 action from Insanity to Luxy may be just covering for scumbuddy.

Should I bring out the claim list?


  • Alice - Drunk
  • PoisonedSquid - Prince
  • Bazingaboy - Therapist
  • Icibalus - Cannot be convert, Devout, or NK due to being jailed n1. I doubt he’s the Dreamer as I don’t think a Dreamer would powerwolf d2 after being jailed like this. Likely Hunter.


  • MaximusPrime - C. Alch

Likely BD based on Mechanics

  • Invoker - Claimed a confirmable class.


  • Hjasik - Nullish scum, actually, ISO’d him and he just fluffs a lot. IMO, he’s playing far too much like he did in CoC where he flips scum due to his ambiguity to scumhunting.
  • Sam17z - Nullish read so far. Him pushing for the Prince to waste a night with the alch was kind of stupid, tbh. Also, HTM’s ISO was filled with far more fluffing an parroting than usual.
  • Livicus - Eh, right now I can’t get a good view on him. I am scumreading Livicus right now but the fact that he always acts like this early makes it difficult to differentiate between scum!Livicus and VI!Livicus. VCA shows he’s likely not Abyss.
  • Frostwolf103 - Townlean so far. I dislike his overall emphasis on mechanics, but I’d think this is probably how he tries to gamesolve. VCA shows he’s likely not Abyss.
  • Luxy - Townlean, his IRL circumstances explain his tones and his aggressiveness does indicate his townplay.


  • Insanity - CW claim
  • GamerPoke - Drunk, put evidence against Hja so I don’t think he’s abyss.

Ah then I get to understand Invoker’s position as well.


I may be reconsidering my case on Luxy. With the fact that he was active and didn’t vote Hjasik d2, what would be your conclusion if Hjasik flips scum, VCA-wise?

And here’s the role list so far.

Tbh, it’s kind of useless as it’s kind of common sense that we should be lynching OUTSIDE of Baz, Squid, and Ici and me here. And also Maxi, as aside from being neuts in it’s also pointless to waste resources on an Alchemist.

The King (65% Good / 35% Eldritch) - Marg (GK)
The Prince - PoisonedSquid (Prince)
The Therapist - Bazingaboy (Therapist)
The Dreamer - ???
The Devout - Hjasik (Devout or Reaper)
Random Blue Dragon - Nozbugz (Maid)
Random Blue Dragon - Alice (Drunk)
Random Blue Dragon - Icibalus (Hunter)
Random Blue Dragon - Insanity (CW)
Random Blue Dragon - GamerPoke (Drunk)
Random Blue Dragon - ??? (Mystic)
Random Blue Dragon - ???
Random Blue Dragon / Random Non-Killing Neutral - ???
Random Non-Killing Neutral - Firekitten (Warlock)
Random Non-Killing Neutral - MaximusPrime (Alchemist)
Random Neutral Killer - ???

Two attackers went for Margaret last night?

Thanks to Gamerpoke at least.

No, Sam was jailed and both Poke and Hjasik was deb’d, so that’s why I suspected that either one of them was a killer.

Wait let get me this clear, Poke is deb’d?

I deb’d Insanity n1 and Poke n2 as they were relatively inactive. Plus, I kind of wanted to deb Insanity after he claimed support as I’m a lightning rod for n1 night kills and converts, so I wanted a heal or a barrier.