SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

So deflecting my question about your stance on thingy Hijask noted

Baz had a NS check on you, which was kind of dumb since the Dreamer can also appear NS. At this point Iā€™m quite sure that if Hja flips Devout then youā€™ll be in the clear.

But I am sure that he is scum and trying to use the priest claim to stay alive for another day.

Again the agreement with sarun my dude

Also mystic could have easily been converted here

Again your tone changed when we are trying to vote Hjasik.

I wasnā€™t in the game my dude. My tone has changed

I wasnā€™t even online, I just pushed an alchemist claim because neuts always are fake and turn on bd

No edit. I was offline but Iliterally had no clue what was going on

So why are you whiteknighting Hjasik?

Just because he claim Priest when he literally have no town motivation?

Chill my dude, I donā€™t mind executing him tommorow but executing a priest claim and the chance of bringing back a Bd is a little to rash for my liking.

So you are suggesting executing every inactive who has no motivation

And then your tone changed again.

He unlikely Priest and itā€™s obvious heā€™s doing this just to buy another day.

We. Have. A. Mechanical. Lead. On. Him.

Explain. Your mechanical lead was that there was no kill. I was in jail and there was no kill why arenā€™t you saying you have a mechanical lead on me?

Because you were a null read. Hja being against Iciā€™s bleeding for the PoE was a completely anti-town move and heā€™s showing way too many Level 1 wolf tells for my liking. Thereā€™s no chance in hell he flips Priest.

Wouldnā€™t the abyss want their member to be killed so they can convert again though?

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Just saying that is the most logical thing I have ever heard you say on the forums

That makes sense, but why the hell would Sam white-knight Hja so bad like this?

Iā€™m not instantly writing him off as a VI as Iā€™m not making that mistake again.

@Sam17z , if youā€™re BD and Hja flips Devout, who do you think will be the Dreamer and the convert?

Even if we let him rez someone, all the important classes are still alive so thereā€™s not even a big value gain