SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Hjasik has bee quite all game

/vote Hjasik

he’s going to get exe’d in jail, they now think I’m NK

V͍̲̤̼̯͘ͅó͔̥̱̦̠̜͔t̯̱̭̤͚͚͢e͕͉̥ͅ ̱C͇̬̰͓̬͙o͙̣͜u̟͙̳ṇ̴̤t̰͇̲͙̱̲

Accused Voters Count
Hjasik Gamerpoke, Sam17z, Icibalus, Invoker 4/7
Luxy Bazinga 1/7
Livicus Insanity, Frostwolf103, Alice :crown:, PoisonedSquid 5/7

Day will end in roughly 36 hours.

Well if you care about Insanity much as NK, why won’t you try to take his or my spot?

alright we need to agree to kill someone so if we get Livicus up we get extra time and get to hear his claim

/vote Livicus

He have to claim eventually

You could’ve just asked for it

I am a chrono

Go on…

and I know you guys will be asking for logs but I won’t be on for a while so here you go

N1 - Warp Ici
D2 - Pocket
N2 - Warp Alice
N3 - Warp Alice

Now Frost if you don’t mind, feel free to reveal your claim

In your defense, the missing attack is delayed either to you or Alice otherwise it’s just redirected from the drunks

However, why warp Alice twice?

hasn’t their only been 2 nights or am i missing something here?

because she was the most vocal player in the game, she has a big target on her

N1 I wifom’d on ici though

but there has only been 2 nights?

that was the plan for tonight in case I forget

I wrote it down in logs, although the way this is going, we likely won’t need any prota

that’s sus

why would you reveal to the evil’s who you will visit tonight this only gives me a reason to vote you even more

wifom though

also, with hjasik in jail and NK being either potentially debbed or lynched, there’s minimal chances of anyone getting attacked tonight

The only NK possibilities I can see is you, me or Insanity.

Alice debbed Insanity first night but two kills still happening so that means if Insanity is NK - he can’t be Reaper

Then Alice debbed Gamerpoke who is also Drunk and debbed Hjasik.

Plus I don’t think Alice is in any danger with the NK have most likely killed the king while Devout attempts to kill someone and also failed thanks to the Drunks.

@Insanity Do you have top 4 scum?

V͍̲̤̼̯͘ͅó͔̥̱̦̠̜͔t̯̱̭̤͚͚͢e͕͉̥ͅ ̱C͇̬̰͓̬͙o͙̣͜u̟͙̳ṇ̴̤t̰͇̲͙̱̲

Accused Voters Count
Hjasik Gamerpoke, Sam17z, Icibalus, 3/7
Luxy Bazinga 1/7
Livicus Insanity, Frostwolf103, Alice :crown:, PoisonedSquid, Invoker 6/7