SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Ah perfect. I should probably mention that if I bled anybody I bled one of those two, so we should be in a pretty strong position.

So in terms of PoE, Bazinga, Alice, Squid, me and a few other people Iā€™ve probably forgotten about are clear, rightt?

Yes, itā€™s impossible you are converted as The Nameless and able to fear Bazingaboy the same night N1 while Margaret flips good king (rest in peace).

Technically Sam cannot be NK since Hjasik is redirected and should be Devout, not Convert. If he does flip Convert then itā€™s even worse for Abyss given the PoE shrink the claim space even more, makes Sam the Devout more sense and we have no one else to defend the prince other than Alice, MaximusPrime is better off healing Bazingaboy than helping scum that are going to be gamesolved.

I am not even sure Chrono is suppose to be rolled this game in this period since the update.

Itā€™s only possible for Luxy or Sam for Abyss scumbuddy as convert, if I think who the Mystic is, heā€™s quiet for not using Telepathy but still he need to use either night abilities to make sure heā€™s not the converted on someone they are trusted for the ability.

and then what does that make me?

Well there are two things what can happen:

You flip as NK


You flip as BD, shrink the claim space even further for the unclaimed, meaning one BD is legit while the rest are Dreamer and NK.

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The best part is that Abyss canā€™t still do anything tonight.

alrighty then

the first one definitely wonā€™t be happening

Actually, telepathy was used on me. Thatā€™s how I know hjasik didnā€™t claim to the Mystic N2

Well I meant the day ability that announces the present of the mystic and not the abyss counterpart - but sure ok, good to know.

Telepathy has been changed to only send a message to one player, not the whole thread

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Hereā€™s the thing, one kill from the night is definitely missing - it can be Sam, Hjasik, Gamerpoke, you, Luxy, me.

So letā€™s eliminate the possibilities here:

Sam got jailed

Alice debbed Gamerpoke however Gamerpoke claimed Drunk as well and claims to have debbed Hjasik, Bazingaboy says Hjasik is revealed to be Abyss so both Alice and Gamerpoke are legit and Hjasik is confirmed Devout.

So now itā€™s Luxy, me, Sam and you.

I remain not to claim since I cannot be the dreamer since I am not the guy who bus early or late in D2 whatsoever and voted Hjasik, donā€™t get your funny idea about town cred, I am not confirmed yet and the next day, not my idea originally since Bazingaboy pointed out that lynching the Devout gives us no advantage and let the dreamer convert again so I propose alternative lynch - you, Livicus.

Only the prince know Samā€™s claim and Luxy claimed nothing at all as well, however you and Luxy (and myself) are free to kill Margaret while Hjasik failed to kill somone thanks to the Drunks.

However I have no reason to kill Margaret if I am Dreamer, while the NK have no issues whatsoever since both factions are hostile to them however BD will replace the king the next day and itā€™s not big loss with two drunk claims. Why should I be mad about answering the question wrong she made up that she healed herself? It is possible that NK have the idea that Good King likely wonā€™t protect themselves twice in row.

Donā€™t get me wrong, if you do flip BD then I can still prove myself tonight that I am BD and not Dreamer or NK.

Well said, alright then

I can agree with the plan

Sam canā€™t be Devout nor NK and will most likely hit as Dreamer so he will be either dealt tomorrow day for lynch or executed by prince as well.

What remains is Luxy and me.

You agree quite fairly fast.

because there are no issues with it as far as I can see

NK will be narrowed down to you or Luxy


@Alice What do you think? Do you wanna CFD to be sure?

Quite sure this has a good chance of flipping NK, tbh. Iā€™m not executing as weā€™ll execute him regardless of the votes and itā€™d be better to keep the day longer for more info.