SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

It’s why I’m more leaning on lynching Frost or Luxy as Insanity is somewhat semi-cleared for us.

And out of the two, Frost seems to be more town motivated than Luxy.

@MaximusPrime Did you heal Bazinga?

I have been scumreading Luxy for a while especially at the beginning where he tried to put suspicion on me for pointing out reasons why Ici couldn’t have been Devout

One more thing. This is what the Poss’s classcard says

Driven (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night.

So are we sure they cant be redirected?

Oh no not this again

Occupation and redirection are seperate things. For total clarification, I would ask Marl

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Since I am defending Gamerpoke last night, I’d say he’s not attacked so I don’t have notification for successfully defending Gamerpoke.

So Insanity can’t be Reaper or Possessor?

Do you get notification for successful guard?

I asked Marl for that question, so I get the answer later.


/vote Luxy

I believe that clears Insanity then.

/vote Luxy

I am just going to leave this at here.


IMO, you should jail and execute Frost or Insanity, most likely Frost as Insanity can’t exactly flip Reaper and I don’t think this is a Poss or Demon game.

Right now I can’t see anyone other than Frost/Insanity/Luxy flipping NK so if I’m wrong on both of these accounts then we can easily just execute Insanity tomorrow and it’s pretty much a guaranteed win.

No need for Frost. It should be obvious what I’ve done now but :man_shrugging:

I see? Marl hasn’t come back yet so.

Sam have the same problem and he’s idiot in different game

However, Icibalus.

If Alice want us not to think outside the box she proposed who the NK is, then it might be too late.

Who is the most likely to hit as Convert turned Devout?

As in Idiot I mean he believed he bleed me but he never did.

Pretty sure it’s Sam. His rapid white-knighting on Hja and defeatist tone when Livicus was lynched and Hja was outed indicates him being the convert.